2019 - oldminer.co.uk

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Local Videos Taken by me. From YouTube. Opens in a new window. Ongoing project.

Bolsover Gas Works. UNDER CONSTRUCTION. 02/01/2019.

Bolsover Colliery Notice of Approach Plan. Tupton Seam 1976. 03/01/2019. (Thank you Roly).

Bramley Vale Drifts. Updated. 05/01/2019.

Bolsover Colliery Band 1927. Cosmetic update to Jo Webley's photographs of the band. 10/01/2019.

Lancashire Boilers. Everything you ever wanted to know about boilers at the colliery......

Sutton Lodge Farm in 2019. UNDER CONSTRUCTION.

James Worrall Calow. Engine Tenter. Many thanks to Correne Calow for the photographs and information. 12/01/2019.

Old Bolsover Colliery. Slight update with a reference from an old book. 17/01/2019.

St. Winifred's Mission Church. Carr Vale. Many thanks to John Gillway for letting me in. 25/01/2019.

Old Arkwright School. 1990's. Photographs and Plans. 28/01/2019.

Heath Old Church. Updated with new photographs taken February 2019. Also Video footage. 25/02/2019.

Morton colliery. Photographic update. 28/02/2019.

Tupholme Abbey. Bardney, Lincolnshire.

Butterley Works. Exterior, Ripley.

Plummers Hotel, Freiston, Boston, Lincolnshire. 09/11/2019.

William Foster (1876-1966). Bandmaster of Bolsover Colliery Band by Stephen Peet. 22/11/2019.
Further updated 23/11/2019.

Markham Colliery updated with new photographs.

Fred Havenhand. A collier injured and later died as a result at Aston colliery, Beighton. From Val Secker. 05/12/2019.

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