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Local Videos Taken by me. From YouTube. Opens in a new window. Ongoing project.
Bolsover Gas Works. UNDER CONSTRUCTION. 02/01/2019.
Bolsover Colliery Notice of Approach Plan. Tupton Seam 1976. 03/01/2019. (Thank you Roly).
Bramley Vale Drifts. Updated. 05/01/2019.
Glapwell Colliery. Updated.
Bolsover Colliery Band 1927. Cosmetic update to Jo Webley's photographs of the band. 10/01/2019.
Lancashire Boilers. Everything you ever wanted to know about boilers at the colliery......
James Worrall Calow. Engine Tenter. Many thanks to Correne Calow for the photographs and information. 12/01/2019.
Old Bolsover Colliery. Slight update with a reference from an old book. 17/01/2019.
St. Winifred's Mission Church. Carr Vale. Many thanks to John Gillway for letting me in. 25/01/2019.
Old Arkwright School. 1990's. Photographs and Plans. 28/01/2019.
Ramcroft Colliery. Updated.
Heath Old Church. Updated with new photographs taken February 2019. Also Video footage. 25/02/2019.
Morton colliery. Photographic update. 28/02/2019.
Eckington (New) Colliery. 31/07/2019.
Tupholme Abbey. Bardney, Lincolnshire.
Butterley Works. Exterior, Ripley.
Lincolnshire Map 1833. 12/08/2019.
Bolsover Castle Building Accounts 1619 (1936). 07/11/2019.
Plummers Hotel, Freiston, Boston, Lincolnshire. 09/11/2019.
William Foster (1876-1966). Bandmaster of Bolsover Colliery Band by Stephen Peet. 22/11/2019.
Further updated 23/11/2019.
Markham Colliery Disasters. 28/11/2019.
Markham Colliery updated with new photographs.
Fred Havenhand. A collier injured and later died as a result at Aston colliery, Beighton. From Val Secker. 05/12/2019.