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Collieries > W-Z
Whitwell Colliery.

SK. 533761
SK. 453310 376167

Whitwell Colliery was sunk by the Shireoaks colliery company in 1890-1891 initially to the Top Hard coal and then deepened in 1923.

The colliery history from Whitwell Local history Group website.
(Click on Photo).

Derbyshire Courier. 12th July 1890.

Whitwell Colliery Sinking.

The preliminary proceedings in connection with the sinking of the shaft of the new pit at Whitwell are progressing apace. The sinking will be much the same as that at Steetley of which Whitwell in the course of time will be the sister colliery, for it is intended to connect them by headings in the usual way. The first coal from the Shireoaks bed will see light of day in about two and a half years.

Left. Whitwell Shaft Sinkers.    Right. The Colliery 1980's.
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