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Local History > Local History 1 > Sutton Cum Duckmanton

Grant of church of St.Peter, Ducemaneton to Welbeck Abbey 1187-1188.

Grant to Welbeck Abbey of 1 ½ bovates of land, the toft of Edwin, and a meadow next to the house. Richard 1- John.

Grant to Welbeck Abbey of toft of Hamo fil. Walter de Dukemanton. Early Henry III.

Suit between Robert de Harestain, Plaintiff and William, Abbot of Wellebec, Deforciant, concerning use of common pasture between the river of Calehale and Polesbroc; Alan de Bruningtone and Isabella his wife, along with six other persons, were granted to hold the Deforciant in frankalmoign, free and quit of all secular service, custom and exaction, the liberty to make and cultivate arable land or pasture at their pleasure, according to the holding of each, in a grant of land by the Plaintiff to Deforciant, consisting of 20 acres of pasture out of the same pasture, by the perch of 20 feet at Ducinantone. Henry lll, 1225/6.

Covenant to Welbeck Abbey from Hugh fil. Alani de Ducmanton, 6 bovates of land in Duckemanton and various other pieces of land near Kirklane. exchange for land in same place. 1243.

Grant to Abbey of Welbeck from Geoffrey, grandson of Hugonis de Ducmanton of 4 bovates of his desmene lands, together with his capital dwelling house in Ducmanton. Henry Ill.

Grant for 7 marks from Hugh fil. Galfrida de Ducmantona to Hugh fil. Alani de Ducmantona of 2 bovates of land in the territory of Ducmantona. Henry Ill.

Grant from Peter fil. Willelmi de Pecco to Canons of Welbeck of fifth part of mill at Ducmantone Henry Ill.

Release to Abbey of Welbec from Martin, fil. Radulfi de Hynkneshille of land called Presteridhing in the territory of Ducmanton.Henry Ill.

Grant from John de Cestrefeld,Abbot of Wellbeke,to Roger de Hinkershul of land in Dugmanton. Henry Ill.

Confirmation of grant by Matildis de Duckmanton to Wellebecke Abbey of 2 bovates of land and a messuage in Dukmantone. 1314.

William rand Richard,fils. Petri de Langwathe enfeoffed in lands in Dokmanton. 1320.

Release from Laurence fil. Ricardi de Dukmantone to Abbot of Welbeke of a water mill in Dukmantone. 1330.

Release by above to Richard le Hunte of Essehovere of a capital messuage in Dkemantone. 1331.

Defeasance from Richard le Hunt of Essehovere to Laurance, fil. Ricardi de Dukanton of a grant of a place of meadow land called Henneparke medewe in Dukmanton. 1332.

Release from Richard le Hunte of Essover to Dom. Roger Deyncourt, mil. of land called Henne Parke Medwe,in Dokemonton. 1334

Thomas de Ryther of Netherlangwathe and Idonia his wife surrender for 10 marks to Roger Deyncourt chivr. lands and 8d. of rent in Dokemanton. 1336.

William de Russhyndene and Alice his wife surrender, for 20 marks, to Roger Deyncourt lands and a rent of 6d. in Dokemanton. 1336

Grant from Laurence de Dokmantune fil. Ricardi de Dokemantone to Dom. Roger de Eyncourt, mil.dom. de Parco, of a rent of 7d. from lands in Dokmanton. 1341.

Grant in tail from John de Wytyntone to Henry de Dukmantone and Matilda his wife of lands, with services of free men and natives, in Dukmanton. 1342.

Marriage covenanant between Mons. Nicholas de Longford and Sir Roger Deyncourt re former‘s son and latter‘s daughter, of lands in Dugmanton. 1346/7.

Lease for 40 years of lands in Dugmanton from Henry Noppe and his wife Edith to Johne Green and his wife Isabel. 1380.

Grant from John "beye Kyrk", chaplain,to Henry Laurence and Alice his wife of lands called Robcroft in Dugmanton. 1438.

Grant from John Stanley and Robert his son to John, Abbot of Welbec, of a watercourse called "le Sought", running from a mine of sea coal belonging to said Abbot in Dugmanton, through or under the lands of the said John and Robert, as far as Reynaldbrigge. 1451

Grant from Thomas Laurans to Martin Laurans his son of lands lying between Pykemancroft and Dukmanton. 1488.
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