Doe Lea -

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Doe Lea

Collieries > C-D
Dominick’s, or Doe Lea Colliery. SK 46/56 454668

A small private colliery employing some dozen or so men underground mining the shallower seams via two drifts, later in 1947 from three drifts. Formed originally in 1930 by Domenick Lavin and run for much of its life by him or the family. Worked out and closed by 1994.

Black & White Photograph. Doe Lea Colliery circa 1934. Left to Right. Bob Allen (Brickie). Edwin Dickinson (Fitter). Harold Webster. (Lorry Driver & Mechanic). All Photographs (A.Jackson).

Colour Photograph. Right to Left. Ian Waddington. Colin Dyson. Keith Jones. Ray Sellers.

Left to Right. Bob Allen (Brickie). 
Edwin Dickinson (Fitter). 
Harold Webster. (Lorry Driver & Mechanic).

Right to Left. Ian Waddington. Colin Dyson. Keith Jones. Ray Sellers.
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