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Rowthorne Hall

Local History > Local History 1 > Glapwell & Rowthorne

I must be totally honest and say I know absolutely nothing about this beautiful old house. Made of local stone there are two separate buildings joined together on differnt aspects forming an 'L-shaped' Hall and constructed in two time periods. The early one being constructed parallel to the road and the later one being constructed at 90 degrees to the road.

Bulmer’s Directory. Chesterfield and North Derbyshire. 1895.

Rowthorne is an ancient manor and village, one mile east of Ault Hucknal Church. Nearby is a station on the Doe lea extension of the Midland Railway for Rowthorne and Hardwick. There are three passenger trains daily each way, and one goods train. From Glapwell station to Rowthorne the gradient is 1 in 50, and up this steep ascent only thirteen wagons of coal can be brought at one time, and sometimes not even that number.

A school was erected here in 1855. It is now under the Ault Hucknal School Board, and is attended by about sixty children.

The manor of Rugertorn (Rowthorne) at the time of the Domesday Survey belonged to Roger Busli. It was then held by the family of Tilly, whose heiress married Savage. Robert de Lexington, in the reign of Henry III., conveyed the manor to the Priory of Newstead. After the dissolution of the Priory at the Reformation it was granted to Roger Greenhalgh; and in 1563 it was vested in his co-heiress. A few years afterwards it was conveyed, probably by purchase to Sir William Cavendish, ancestor to the present owner.

Whites Directory 1857. p679.

ROWTHORNE a small village one mile E. from the Church, and 7½ S.E, from Ches­terfield.

Rugethorn or Ruethorn place at or near rough uncultivated ground with thorn bushes.

Ruh, rough uncultivated ground. Thorn, with thorn bushes.

The manor of Rugetorn, at Domesday survey, was the property of Roger de Bush. It afterwards belonged to the family of Tilly, whose heiress married Savage. Robt. de Lexington, to whom it had been conveyed by the last mentioned family, gave it to the abbot and convent of Newstead, in Nottinghamshire. In the year 1563, this manor was vested in the coheiress of Roger Greenhalgh. In 1583, Lord Chancellor Bromley, acting it is supposed as trustee, conveyed it to Sir Wm. Cavendish, ancestor of the present noble owner.

The last four deaths in this village up to the first of June, 1856, are as follows: Wm. Bromley, aged 88, Rd. Marriott, 92, Richard Shaw, 77, and Wm. Fisher, 95, the four making a total of 352 years.

STAINSBY, a small village 1 mile W. from the church, and 6 miles S.S.E. from Chesterfield. The manor of Stanesby was held at Domesday survey by Roger de Poiton. In the reign of King John it was in the family of Savage, and in the year 1235, William, son of Walkelin de Savage, held it by the annual render of a sore hawk (a hawk of the first year). In 1580 or 1581, John Savage conveyed this manor to Lord Chancellor Bromley, by whom it is probable it was again conveyed, about the same time as Rowthorne, to Sir William Cavendish. A feast is held first Sunday in July.

CHARITIES.—Hardwick School.—Thomas Whitehead, in 1720, gave his dwelling at Moor Heigh, with 20A. of land, then valued at £8 per annum, on trust, and directed 10s. a year to be expended in books, and the remainder to be given to the school­master. The property consists of a good farm house, and 21A. 1R. 9P. of land, let for £23 15s 2d. per annum, the whole of which is paid to the schoolmaster. The master also receives £2 10s. from Phillips’ charity, and an annual gratuity from the Duke of Devonshire. In respect of these sums, all the poor children of the parish are instructed on payment of two-pence per week. The school is kept in a house rented by the Duke of Devonshire, which has lately been adapted for the residence of the master, out of the funds of the charity founded by the Countess and Earl of Devonshire. (See Edensor.)

William Derry, 1794, directed his personal property to be converted into money for the use of the poor. In 1797, the sum of £59 8s, 10d. which was laid out in the purchase of £105 18s. 2d. three per cent. console. The dividends, amounting to £3 3s. 6d. are distributed to the poor.

Rev. Francis Gisborne’s Charity.—(See Bradley.) The annual sum of £5 10s. received by the vicar, is laid out in warm clothing, and distributed among the poor.

Marked 1 are at Astwith, 2 Hardwick, 3 Harstoft, 4 Rowthorne, and 5 Stainsby.

4 Bramley George, wheelwright
5 Broadhead Edward, joiner
Brown Jonth., stone mason
3 Cope Joseph, engineer and machinist
2 Cottingham John Gregory, agent, and Chesterfield
Davenport John, framework knitter
2 Fisher Ephraim farm bailiff
5 Fretwell Wm., sen., stone mason
2 Hallam Henry, schoolmaster
5 Haynes Wm., woodman
2 Hibbert George, gamekeeper
2 Holmes George, gardener
5 Hutchinson Joseph, stone mason
4 Pearson George, farm bailiff
Pickard William, foreman brickmaker
4 Stevens Rev. Thomas, curate
Swallow Thomas, butcher
5 Thornally Joshua, colliery owner, Holmwood Colliery

Inns and Taverns.

2 Hardwick Inn, Joseph Overton
Shoulder of Mutton, Mary Clay


1 Aivey John
1 Bacon John
5 Bacon Joseph
4 Bramley Elizabeth, (cowkeeper)
Brook Humphrey
1 Brough George
Brown Sarah
1 Brunt William
1 Cartwright Robt.
Clay James
Clay Mary
Clay Sampson
Davenport Sarah
3 Davenport Wm.
1 Fisher Ephraim
4 Fisher William
Fox Joseph
Fretwell —
5 Fretwell Septimns
5 Fretwell William
5 Goodwin Chas. Jno.
1 Gregory Joseph
5 Gregory Thomas
Haslam Wm., (and whitesmith)
2 Hodgkinson John, (& regr. of births, & deaths for Pleasley district
4 Hodgkinson Joseph
1 Hollingworth Mtha.
1 Jepson John, Holm-wood
1 Johnson John
4 Johnson Richard
4 King Thomas
Limb Samuel
1 Marriott Frederick
4 Metcalf Joseph
Oldfield Lydia
2 Overton Joseph
4 Rowley John J.
1 Saunders Thos., sen.
5 Saunders Thos., (& corn miller)
Swallow Elizabeth
5 Swift John
Taylor Edw., Hagg
5 Thornally Joshua
1 Turner Thomas,
Bramley Lane
1 Wass John
1 Wilbourn Wm., (& beerhouse)
Wilson William


1 Bowler George
Fox Joseph
5 Goodwin Henry
5 Goodwin Thomas
5 Hardwick Thomas


1 Heath Thomas
5 Pemberton Thos.


4 Bower William
1 Heath Thomas
3 Pemberton Thos.

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