Local Markers
Local History > Local History 1 > Sutton Cum Duckmanton
Two Mediaeval Bridges
Left Photograph.
'Reynaldsbridge' or 'Reynaldsbrigge'.
Carries Tom Lane over the Poolsbrook.
(Near to site of Tom Lane Colliery).
SK 47/57 435723
Right Photograph
'Buckebridge' or 'Buckbridge,' Doe Lea Bridge.
Carries Car Lane over the Doe Lea River.
(Near to site of Palterton Air Shaft).
SK 46/56 460692
These two small river crossings are the marker points for several local documents and deeds. In the Middle Ages before reliable maps, references to these two bridges was commonplace whilst referring to and describing the position of other local sites and as such are worthy of a note.
Reference is made to these two bridges in several articles on the site