Collieries > C-D
Cutthorpe Colliery. SK36/37 530734
10th March 1877.
Messrs Hoskin and Co. are now supplying Best Blackshale Coal screened and picked at 8/9d per ton at the pit or down in Chesterfield at 11/9d per ton. Orders received at the pit by post or by Mr. Herbert Hoskins Victoria Street Brampton.
1st October 1921.
A verdict of accidental death was returned at an inquest held at the Cutthorpe Institute on Wednesday on Wilfred Turner (28) married of 25 The Square Cutthorpe who was killed as a result of a fall of roof at the Igmathorpe Colliery on Monday. The Coroner Dr. A. Green said that there was no evidence of negligence on the part of the workmen or those concerned in the management of the pit. The deceased’s father was injured at the same time and was taken to the Chesterfield Hospital.
14th February 1925.
W. D. Botham and Sons have received instructions to sell by auction under an execution re The Attorney General v Cutthorpe Colliery Co. Ltd, the whole of the colliery plant, machinery, fittings, tools and effects.